The Deadline Environmental Pledge…
To confirm our commitment to the environment, we are proud to present our Environmental Pledge…
As one of Dublin’s leading courier companies, we acknowledge our responsibly to find alternative methods of conducting business, ensuring we do so in the least environmentally damaging way possible. In 2018, the Irish Government revealed its aim to make Ireland a leader in climate change policy and we are proud to be making key changes within our business to help Ireland reach this goal.
The Deadline Pledge is our declaration to customers, and to the wider community, that demonstrates the ways in which we are taking positive action over the next five years towards making Dublin a greener city.
1. We will continue to grow our zero emissions fleet of vehicles.
2. We will seek to inform and educate the community, our customers and other businesses about the benefits of zero emissions vehicles.
3. We will ensure that our Head Office conducts operations in the least environmentally impactful way possible, taking into account responsible waste disposal, avoiding single-use plastics and reducing our paper usage where possible.
4. We will promote the efficient use of energy when it comes to equipment used in our business, ensuring appliances are switched off when not in use.
5. We aim to be an organisation who paves the way and encourages other businesses to consider utilising zero emissions vehicles.
Call us for any information about our local courier, urgent (direct) courier, door to door national parcel delivery and express international transport services at 00353 1 6610000 or email us at info@deadline.ie. We are also the first courier company in Ireland to provide a Zero Emissions courier and transport service.